Go NUTS this winter!
You love grabbing your coffee during the snack time. Don't you? To kick out the
indolence in this weather we usually look for caffeine in some form or the other.
But just a cracking and crunchy sound in your mouth can stave off that afternoon
slump at work.
'They say good things come in small packages, nuts are one of them.' A handful of
nuts a day keeps your heart healthy and increases your cognitive functions. A study
of 31000 Seventh Day Adventists who ate nuts more than 4 times per week were
half as likely to die of a heart attack than those who ate nuts less than once a week.
Overflowing with nutrition, nuts are the best buy for this season. They are small in
size but can do wonders as they are the powerhouse of essential fatty acids, fibre
and protein needed for the body.
Have you heard that nuts are rich in fat?
That's right! Where else do you think almond oil comes from? But the best part is,
you do not have to worry about the fat as long as you stick to 28 to 30 grams of
unsalted and unsweetened nuts everyday. Raw tree Nuts like almonds, pistachios,
walnuts, cashew nuts are linked to lower cholesterol, better heart condition and
weight control. Nuts provide satiety along with nutrition and can be taken as a
snack or pre workout.
So what's best for you?
WALNUTS - Being the richest in antioxidants of all nuts and full of omega-3,
fights any kind of inflammation in the body. It contains essential fats required for
the proper heart functioning, improved bone health and
metabolism. Recommended 1 to 2 walnuts per day as a healthy serving.
ALMONDS - The most celebrated health benefit of almond is cholesterol
reduction. Rich in fibre, vitamin E and antioxidants, almonds are considered good
for lowering insulin resistance and increasing good cholesterol. Recommended 15
to 20 nuts per day as a healthy serving.
PISTACHIOS - Low in calories they come enclosed in a shell which increases
the effort to eat it hence slowing down the pace. As a result u keep a check on the
quantity. It contains l-arginine which makes it excellent for heart arteries. They are
rich in vitamin E and b-6. Recommend 5 to 7 per day as a healthy serving.
PEANUTS - Peanuts are the best brain food, rich in vitamin E and high amount of
folate. This is a mineral essential for brain development and protection against
cognitive decline. It's very healthy for pregnant woman to protect their unborn
babies from birth defects. Recommended 8 to 12 nuts per day as a healthy
CASHEW NUTS - They have ideal ratio of saturated and unsaturated fats for
optimal health. They are rich in iron, magnesium and zinc which improves
immune system and protects against vision and memory loss. Recommended 4 to
5 nuts per day as a healthy serving.
Things to keep in mind to avoid detrimental effects of nuts :
Nuts are high in fat and calories. So while a fistful of them can be enough
for a healthy snack, a little more than that can add up to your daily calories
causing weight gain.
Too much can ruin your appetite for your meal or can create heat in the
stomach causing diarrhea.
Although nuts are healthy themselves but consuming packaged nuts roasted
in oil, mixed with salt & sugar or other toppings does not qualify for a
healthy serving. Instead eat them raw or dry roasted and enjoy a handful of
good health everyday.